It is a beautiful day here in East Texas. The clouds finally cleared out and it has cooled down quite a bit. I can not wait for an equally gorgeous weekend *fingers crossed*! Maybe I can finally get motivated to do some fall decorating.
Tonight is the Middle School dance at Caleb's school. He has a "girlfriend" who is going with him (ie. they will meet up there) and I do not think I am ready for this!!! It should be interesting - I hope they have a great time!
Here are more pictures - I'm so excited to have on of Morgan! Whose school pictures were ever this good????
My gorgeous Morgan

and here is Emalyn in one of her beautiful Etsy bows - Meggan gets quite a bit of her stuff from Etsy shops - the green brings out those big brown eyes - she's beautiful!

Wade will work the first "real" hunt of the season all weekend, so the rest of us will get stuff done around the house and hang out. I am headed to a "girls' party" tomorrow night for a friend's housewarming. I can't wait!!!! Just a couple of days off to get the laundry done and nap will be really nice!!!