Christmas Day!!! This is my favorite time of the year!!! I love Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus, and all that entails.
But I must say, this has been a hard year for me. I really haven't been in the "spirit" much. I am thankful for all I have, don't get me wrong, but work has been stressful, lots of stuff going on, really busy schedules, and stress over shopping & money - it's hard to get all excited! Plus, hubby is having shoulder surgery tomorrow, and I think I'm more worried than he is! Add in that I don't get a day off (other than the weekends) and it just doesn't seem like it's worth all the stress!!!!
However, we went to church yesterday, and the Pastor reminded us that there are a lot of lonely people out there who could use some attention! That is what Jesus did - He showed God's love to people every day, not just at the Christmas season! My goal is to remember that in the coming years: to pay attention, try to show a little of Christ's love, and forgive and move on. Life is too precious and too short to waste it!
To all of you who are my family, friends, customers, acquaintances, or readers... have a very
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Wishing you blessings,
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
What a month...
it's been! We got to go visit Meg, Jacob, and Em for Thanksgiving! That was nice. My auntie came down from ATL while we were there too, so it was a good visit. We've been so is in full swing! Caleb had an awesome game tonight!! We pulled it out by 2 in a really tight game. Now they have to get ready for a tough tournament this weekend against some 4A and 5A schools.
The Christmas tree is up, but that's about it! After our long weekend away, we've been going every day. I've hosted a couple of parties (Arbonne & Premier) so I think this week I can breathe again and get the Christmas decorating done. It IS my favorite time of year - I just LOVE the gift of Jesus Christ, and all the meaning and symbolism that goes with it. And of course, when your name is Holly, how can you NOT love Christmas, right?!?! Happy HollyDays and all that!!!!
Willow House is going well - doing some fundraisers and taking orders for Christmas. There are such great sales going on, it really does sell itself!!!! I love doing "parties with a purpose" as well!!! Our Class of 2012 and Class of 2016 are both raising money for future projects, so the more the merrier!!!
I'll be checking back in soon...Wade is scheduled for shoulder surgery on Dec. 21, the day after his birthday, so hopefully all will go well and they can clean it up without too much invasion. The holidays will be a little slow due to this, but we are planning one big New Year's Eve party this year!! I can't wait!!!!
Till then...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Fall is here...
maybe? Finally? We have had a few cool weather days, but then it warms right back up! It's hard to believe Thanksgiving Day is one week away!!!
Next week I will be headed out to see Meg, Jacob & Em!!! Mom is driving, Morgan & I are going, and my sis & nephew. I can not wait!!!!! I do believe they are excited as well :) Wade has to work, so Caleb is staying with him so they can hunt, of course. My wonderful friend Jo-Anne will feed them Thanksgiving dinner, so I have no guilt.
Last weekend was the bomb! I headed down to H-town to visit my BFF, and she had tickets to the Nutcracker Market! It was so cool - it almost got me in the holiday spirit. I got a few gifts purchased, and we had a great time, but we were exhausted at the end of the day. I'm sure we missed a few booths.
Tonight I am headed over to the oldest town in Texas with another good friend for the Holiday in the Pines market Junior League puts on every year. I'm excited about that as well!
Caleb played his first Jr. High basketball game on Monday night. It was so cool to see my boy out there in a maroon & white uniform! He did great! I'm looking forward to this season.
Well, I'm off to do some work and hopefully get some Christmas shopping done tonight.
Have an awesome Thanksgiving! and remember to be thankful for everything you have, and even some of the things you don't!
Next week I will be headed out to see Meg, Jacob & Em!!! Mom is driving, Morgan & I are going, and my sis & nephew. I can not wait!!!!! I do believe they are excited as well :) Wade has to work, so Caleb is staying with him so they can hunt, of course. My wonderful friend Jo-Anne will feed them Thanksgiving dinner, so I have no guilt.
Last weekend was the bomb! I headed down to H-town to visit my BFF, and she had tickets to the Nutcracker Market! It was so cool - it almost got me in the holiday spirit. I got a few gifts purchased, and we had a great time, but we were exhausted at the end of the day. I'm sure we missed a few booths.
Tonight I am headed over to the oldest town in Texas with another good friend for the Holiday in the Pines market Junior League puts on every year. I'm excited about that as well!
Caleb played his first Jr. High basketball game on Monday night. It was so cool to see my boy out there in a maroon & white uniform! He did great! I'm looking forward to this season.
Well, I'm off to do some work and hopefully get some Christmas shopping done tonight.
Have an awesome Thanksgiving! and remember to be thankful for everything you have, and even some of the things you don't!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
And so it goes...
My last post was a little sad, but I know Kari is dancing and singing in Heaven. Please continue to pray for her family!
In our happenings, this was report card week! Both of the kids had pretty decent grades, and of course "are very bright but do not apply themselves!" I know this, and work daily on encouraging them to succeed beyond even their wildest dreams!
Morgan will make her acting debut tonight...should be great! If we could only rid the real world of all the unnecessary drama!!! LOL
Caleb kicks off basketball season Nov. 15th - I am ready!!!
Wade begins his long, long days of work today - the first hunt arrives. I know he loves it, but he is SO tired sometimes!
Meg is working, Jacob is working, and Em has adjusted somewhat to daycare. When she gets upset, they let her go into the baby room and help feed the babies. How sweet is that?!?
I had a horrible migraine over the weekend. It has been unseasonably warm here, and allergies kicked up, so I'm hoping that's what triggered it, but it was awful. I missed Caleb's basketball tryouts for youth basketball! I didn't even leave my house Saturday or Sunday. You know that's bad!!!
We are kicking off something new - the Paleo diet. We will probably modify it somewhat, at least for Caleb if he objects too much! But I really like what I've been reading, and it totally makes sense. Morgan & I are definitely looking to be healthier, and combined with exercise I hear it makes you feel GREAT! Hubby could stand to lower his cholesterol too!
In WILLOW HOUSE news, the new online shopping feature is awesome!!!!! We are offering monthly specials - like October BONUS DAYS! - and weekly specials in the Outlet. These are great savings - and you can still get the CUSTOMER SPECIAL when you spend $39.96 or more! The October Bonus days is offering 15 HOLIDAY items at 25% off - it's a great time to stock up for gifts or decorating items!! You can even host your own party online and get the Host Rewards!
I am really looking forward to the coming weeks - hopefully going to Georgia for the Thanksgiving holiday, enjoying Christmas with the family, a little time off to relax...I'm ready for it!
In our happenings, this was report card week! Both of the kids had pretty decent grades, and of course "are very bright but do not apply themselves!" I know this, and work daily on encouraging them to succeed beyond even their wildest dreams!
Morgan will make her acting debut tonight...should be great! If we could only rid the real world of all the unnecessary drama!!! LOL
Caleb kicks off basketball season Nov. 15th - I am ready!!!
Wade begins his long, long days of work today - the first hunt arrives. I know he loves it, but he is SO tired sometimes!
Meg is working, Jacob is working, and Em has adjusted somewhat to daycare. When she gets upset, they let her go into the baby room and help feed the babies. How sweet is that?!?
I had a horrible migraine over the weekend. It has been unseasonably warm here, and allergies kicked up, so I'm hoping that's what triggered it, but it was awful. I missed Caleb's basketball tryouts for youth basketball! I didn't even leave my house Saturday or Sunday. You know that's bad!!!
We are kicking off something new - the Paleo diet. We will probably modify it somewhat, at least for Caleb if he objects too much! But I really like what I've been reading, and it totally makes sense. Morgan & I are definitely looking to be healthier, and combined with exercise I hear it makes you feel GREAT! Hubby could stand to lower his cholesterol too!
In WILLOW HOUSE news, the new online shopping feature is awesome!!!!! We are offering monthly specials - like October BONUS DAYS! - and weekly specials in the Outlet. These are great savings - and you can still get the CUSTOMER SPECIAL when you spend $39.96 or more! The October Bonus days is offering 15 HOLIDAY items at 25% off - it's a great time to stock up for gifts or decorating items!! You can even host your own party online and get the Host Rewards!
I am really looking forward to the coming weeks - hopefully going to Georgia for the Thanksgiving holiday, enjoying Christmas with the family, a little time off to relax...I'm ready for it!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Life is precious...
and often much too short. My dear friend Kari is now singing in Heaven. The surgery she had seemed to be successful, and she was getting a big stronger every day, but last Friday, October 15, we received the news that Kari had passed away.
It was a horrible day - Morgan went to be with Katelynn, and everyone had gathered to make plans. You could tell they were just all in shock. I just cried all day, off and on, because I don't remember a time when I didn't know Kari. She is one of those people who was just true to herself and true to God. Even though we didn't see each other all the time, she was always genuinely happy to see us when we did. She loved my kids - and would tell them that - and they all cried when they heard the news. I have many many memories of Kari - from childhood to now - and I can still hear her saying "Hi, Hollywollydoodlealltheday!" She had a nickname for everyone, and that was mine!!
I know Kari never wanted to leave her family here on earth, but I'm sure she missed her mom, her Granny K, and her sister Nikki, and today she is reunited and celebrating with them. I know she and my Daddy are having some good conversation!!!
The service was Monday. Kari's dad talked about her life - how determined she was - and told funny stories. It was definitely "her"! And while it was in some ways a joyous occasion, because Kari knew where she would be when she passed from this earth, it was heartbreaking to watch her family, friends, and coworkers have to say goodbye to her. It is definitely too soon, she was too young, and life isn't fair; but we weren't promised longevity or fair - just HOPE. And one thing Kari knew with all her heart, and wanted everyone else to know, is that as long as you know Jesus and you have been saved by Him, there is HOPE.
She would want her family to live. She would want them to live well, and make her proud. I hope you will all continue to pray for Kari's family, as the road ahead will be long and lonely without her. It is a wonderful thing to know that they have the hope of seeing her again someday.
And for the rest of us, we will always miss her....For myself, it is a lesson that life is short, and you should never put off doing those things that make memories. I learned a lot from Kari in my life, and those lessons will stay with me, inspire me, and encourage me.
Kari, you are greatly missed, my friend.
It was a horrible day - Morgan went to be with Katelynn, and everyone had gathered to make plans. You could tell they were just all in shock. I just cried all day, off and on, because I don't remember a time when I didn't know Kari. She is one of those people who was just true to herself and true to God. Even though we didn't see each other all the time, she was always genuinely happy to see us when we did. She loved my kids - and would tell them that - and they all cried when they heard the news. I have many many memories of Kari - from childhood to now - and I can still hear her saying "Hi, Hollywollydoodlealltheday!" She had a nickname for everyone, and that was mine!!
I know Kari never wanted to leave her family here on earth, but I'm sure she missed her mom, her Granny K, and her sister Nikki, and today she is reunited and celebrating with them. I know she and my Daddy are having some good conversation!!!
The service was Monday. Kari's dad talked about her life - how determined she was - and told funny stories. It was definitely "her"! And while it was in some ways a joyous occasion, because Kari knew where she would be when she passed from this earth, it was heartbreaking to watch her family, friends, and coworkers have to say goodbye to her. It is definitely too soon, she was too young, and life isn't fair; but we weren't promised longevity or fair - just HOPE. And one thing Kari knew with all her heart, and wanted everyone else to know, is that as long as you know Jesus and you have been saved by Him, there is HOPE.
She would want her family to live. She would want them to live well, and make her proud. I hope you will all continue to pray for Kari's family, as the road ahead will be long and lonely without her. It is a wonderful thing to know that they have the hope of seeing her again someday.
And for the rest of us, we will always miss her....For myself, it is a lesson that life is short, and you should never put off doing those things that make memories. I learned a lot from Kari in my life, and those lessons will stay with me, inspire me, and encourage me.
Kari, you are greatly missed, my friend.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Online shopping with Willow House...
Online shopping is LIVE!!! I am very excited to have this option to share with customers!!! No more waiting to add to a party, and now you can host a party and "virtually" invite everyone you know. Check out my website from the link - click on SHOP, and you can view the entire catalog AND the outlet, where many discontinued items are available at GREAT discounts.
On the family front, Jacob & Meg are doing well in Georgia. Meg just got a job, so we may not see sweet Emalyn for a while. With hunting season starting, Wade will be super busy until after Christmas. Then he will be having rotator cuff surgery, so travel will be postponed until later in 2011. I may have to fly out for a quick weekend fix from my girl! It is hard to believe she is almost 2 years old!!!! Hopefully they can be here for one holiday or another.
She is the most precious child ever!! I do hope she will enjoy the other kids at "school". I really do miss her, but she calls and "talks" to Gramps and Meme now. She says "purple" and "pink" and lots of other words. She really is so smart!!!
Morgan is preparing for her acting debut in a play next week, and Caleb's basketball schedule kicks off in a couple of weeks. They are both doing well in school, and I am so proud of them! Morgan is in her Jr. year - doesn't seem possible she will be graduating next year! Caleb is 5'11", and I don't believe he is anywhere through growing!
Wade & I had a weekend "away" last weekend - our last time of relaxation before we get so busy we can't think straight!!! It was beautiful weather, so we headed to the beach for a couple of days. It was nice!
The weather was perfect, and the water was almost blue (which is weird for Galveston). We had a good time.
Last night we finally got some rain, which we needed desperately. Even though we've enjoyed the beautiful weather we've been having the past few weeks, it was getting super dry!
Please continue to keep Kari in your prayers, she had a mitral valve replacement this week. She is still critical, but stable, and getting stronger. She has a long recovery ahead, but nothing is impossible when GOD is on your side!!! She got to spend a few days at home before this surgery, so that was a HUGE blessing!
Also remember the family in our community who lost everything they own in a fire Sunday night. Mom & Dad, two kids, all are safe, but their possessions were all destroyed. The community will come together to help them, I know! This is just one of the immeasurable needs out there - PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
This NOLA bucket and stand is one of my favorites!
Perfect for a LSU game party!!!!
On the family front, Jacob & Meg are doing well in Georgia. Meg just got a job, so we may not see sweet Emalyn for a while. With hunting season starting, Wade will be super busy until after Christmas. Then he will be having rotator cuff surgery, so travel will be postponed until later in 2011. I may have to fly out for a quick weekend fix from my girl! It is hard to believe she is almost 2 years old!!!! Hopefully they can be here for one holiday or another.
Morgan is preparing for her acting debut in a play next week, and Caleb's basketball schedule kicks off in a couple of weeks. They are both doing well in school, and I am so proud of them! Morgan is in her Jr. year - doesn't seem possible she will be graduating next year! Caleb is 5'11", and I don't believe he is anywhere through growing!
Wade & I had a weekend "away" last weekend - our last time of relaxation before we get so busy we can't think straight!!! It was beautiful weather, so we headed to the beach for a couple of days. It was nice!
The weather was perfect, and the water was almost blue (which is weird for Galveston). We had a good time.
Last night we finally got some rain, which we needed desperately. Even though we've enjoyed the beautiful weather we've been having the past few weeks, it was getting super dry!
Please continue to keep Kari in your prayers, she had a mitral valve replacement this week. She is still critical, but stable, and getting stronger. She has a long recovery ahead, but nothing is impossible when GOD is on your side!!! She got to spend a few days at home before this surgery, so that was a HUGE blessing!
Also remember the family in our community who lost everything they own in a fire Sunday night. Mom & Dad, two kids, all are safe, but their possessions were all destroyed. The community will come together to help them, I know! This is just one of the immeasurable needs out there - PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What a month...
Wow, it's been a busy one! Several parties going on, a big Willow House Open House this Saturday, one month of school down, and lots more coming up!
Check out the new Real Simple magazine!!!! The Willow House is inside - very exciting!!
Check out the new Real Simple magazine!!!! The Willow House is inside - very exciting!!
Look on p. 83!
Hubby's workload is getting heavier, since deer season is around the corner, I am prepared to spend a lot of time alone! LOL!
Morgan and I have pretty much kept up our walking/running/workout routine. Both of the kids have had some sinus issues this week, but both are back in school. Caleb made the basketball team (YAY!) so we will have plenty of games to go to. Morgan is applying for the local Leadership Tomorrow program - if she gets in that will keep her busy, along with managing the basketball team and golf. It looks to be a busy fall!
Morgan and I have pretty much kept up our walking/running/workout routine. Both of the kids have had some sinus issues this week, but both are back in school. Caleb made the basketball team (YAY!) so we will have plenty of games to go to. Morgan is applying for the local Leadership Tomorrow program - if she gets in that will keep her busy, along with managing the basketball team and golf. It looks to be a busy fall!
Saturday's Willow House open house will be combined with my sister's new Pampered Chef business debut - I am very excited for her! She loves to cook, is very creative, and should do quite well with her new business.
The Gonzalez family is doing well in Georgia, and hopefully will be here for Thanksgiving.
See ya at the Open House!
Monday, August 23, 2010
First day of school...
some would say summer is over, but not me! Here in Texas, I know I can still use the pool for two more months!!!!
We got the kids off to school just fine...Morgan is a JUNIOR and Caleb is a 7th grader! Hard to believe - I remember when I took them to the first day of Kindergarten and cried all the way home. Of course, I took NO pictures this morning; I just do not have it together this year. Maybe I thought if I stayed in denial it wouldn't happen?!?
So, back to the routine. It won't be long before we are going to Jr. High basketball games and watching track meets, and I am ready for that!!!
I headed to Houston yesterday for the Willow House meeting - I was so excited about meeting our CEO! But when I hit the southside, the freeway was completely closed down!!!!! I think it was for construction, but I have never seen the entire freeway closed during the day for anything! Needless to say, I did not make it around to the meeting. I guess I could have gone, but I thought an hour late was just too much. I will get some new info from the company and pass it along, but I can tell you this...
The new Willow House business model is exciting!!! It will really open up our earning potential, and the products are beautiful and high quality! I am excited about what is coming with this company!!!
Have a great day...we will see how this first day of school ends...
We got the kids off to school just fine...Morgan is a JUNIOR and Caleb is a 7th grader! Hard to believe - I remember when I took them to the first day of Kindergarten and cried all the way home. Of course, I took NO pictures this morning; I just do not have it together this year. Maybe I thought if I stayed in denial it wouldn't happen?!?
So, back to the routine. It won't be long before we are going to Jr. High basketball games and watching track meets, and I am ready for that!!!
I headed to Houston yesterday for the Willow House meeting - I was so excited about meeting our CEO! But when I hit the southside, the freeway was completely closed down!!!!! I think it was for construction, but I have never seen the entire freeway closed during the day for anything! Needless to say, I did not make it around to the meeting. I guess I could have gone, but I thought an hour late was just too much. I will get some new info from the company and pass it along, but I can tell you this...
The new Willow House business model is exciting!!! It will really open up our earning potential, and the products are beautiful and high quality! I am excited about what is coming with this company!!!
Have a great day...we will see how this first day of school ends...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
It is HOT...
all across the South this summer! We are having 100+ days here in East Texas, but it's a good excuse to get in the pool.
I can't believe it's only two weeks until the kids go back to school. I am in no way ready for that! I do love fall and the fun decorating, not to mention football (GEAUX, Tigers!) and watching my kids play basketball, but I MISS summertime when it's gone. I love longer days of sunshine, the feeling of freedom, and yes, even the HOT heat! It makes me want to move to a beach in the tropics somewhere. I think I could handle it!
Last weekend, Morgan and I went to a wedding. It was one of Meggan's friends from school that got married, and Meg had hoped to be here for it, but got the call to go to Georgia last week instead. However, Morgan and I really enjoyed seeing some people we haven't seen in a long time. It was just crazy, seeing all of these girls up there, one in a gorgeous wedding gown, some in beautiful aqua bridesmaid dresses, and the others all dressed up. I mean, I remember when these girls graduated from Kindergarten! And I don't FEEL that much older LOL! They have all grown up to be beautiful young ladies, but it certainly doesn't seem like that much time could have passed by!!!!
In Kari news, she is improving daily and getting stronger! She still needs a transplant - likely heart/lung - but her kidneys are much better, she is off dialysis, and they are removing many of her "hookups" so she can walk around and move more freely. Praise God!!!! Pray that she continues to improve and gets the organs she needs!
This week we'll be at it hard, and spend next week trying to get everything ready for BACK TO SCHOOL!
I can't believe it's only two weeks until the kids go back to school. I am in no way ready for that! I do love fall and the fun decorating, not to mention football (GEAUX, Tigers!) and watching my kids play basketball, but I MISS summertime when it's gone. I love longer days of sunshine, the feeling of freedom, and yes, even the HOT heat! It makes me want to move to a beach in the tropics somewhere. I think I could handle it!
Last weekend, Morgan and I went to a wedding. It was one of Meggan's friends from school that got married, and Meg had hoped to be here for it, but got the call to go to Georgia last week instead. However, Morgan and I really enjoyed seeing some people we haven't seen in a long time. It was just crazy, seeing all of these girls up there, one in a gorgeous wedding gown, some in beautiful aqua bridesmaid dresses, and the others all dressed up. I mean, I remember when these girls graduated from Kindergarten! And I don't FEEL that much older LOL! They have all grown up to be beautiful young ladies, but it certainly doesn't seem like that much time could have passed by!!!!
In Kari news, she is improving daily and getting stronger! She still needs a transplant - likely heart/lung - but her kidneys are much better, she is off dialysis, and they are removing many of her "hookups" so she can walk around and move more freely. Praise God!!!! Pray that she continues to improve and gets the organs she needs!
This week we'll be at it hard, and spend next week trying to get everything ready for BACK TO SCHOOL!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Willow House..
is officially up and running today! I have a new website address, and I LOVE the content and the design. Please be sure to check it out. I will be posting pictures and design ideas here and there.
This NOLA bucket is one of my absolute favorites in the new catalog! There are so many beautiful products, with great design ideas as well. A Willow House party is more than just selling my products - it is a design experience. I hope to be able to share it with you as well!
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NOLA Bucket |
The rest of us are working and trying to stay cool in this 105 plus heat index!
I am very excited to be meeting up with some old friends from school tomorrow evening. It should be interesting!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Weekend getaway...
was fabulous!!! My girls and I spent the weekend down at Surfside with my best friend.
It was so relaxing - just walking out on the beach and hanging out all day! It was a HOT, gorgeous weekend for it. Emalyn played in the sand, we layed around, walked up and down the beach checking out the other houses, and read on the deck with a margarita.
This is the life!
It was hard to come home!!! I have decided that I was probably meant to live on the beach, so that's a goal I am working towards. In the meantime, I think I've found my new vacation spot!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The weekend is almost here...
and I can't wait! I'll be headed down to Galveston and a day at the beach. I am in need of a lazy beach day, I can tell you that! There will be busy days coming, with all the Willow House excitement breaking next week, and it won't be too long before the kids are back in school. Factor in my school, work, Meg's move, and I think I better take a chance and relax while I can!
While I am there, I will be thinking of my dear friend Kari. She is in St. Luke's critical care unit, awaiting a heart transplant. Kari and I have been friends our whole lives; she is married and has two children. Through the years Kari has had various health issues, and several years ago, she was told she would need a lung transplant. She had to walk around with an oxygen tank, pretty much remove anything in her home that could trap dust and allergens, and was on a list for the transplant. Then, things began to improve. She was off the oxygen, doing well. Last year, she started having problems again, and it was decided this was a heart issue. She had an initial surgery, which was to repair a leak, and hoped that would be the end of it. Since that surgery, she has had issues with fluid retention and shortness of breath. On a recent visit, Kari was told she would need a mitral valve replacement. Her cardiologist recommended they try a different medication first, to see if it would be effective. Kari entered the ho spital, hoping she would be home soon. She had a reaction to the medicine, and it was decided that a heart transplant is her only option. Two days ago, Kari's kidneys failed. She is currently on dialysis, heavily medicated, and in and out of consciousness. She has been moved up to the top of the transplant list.
Now, Kari and I have been known each other almost our whole lives. We don't get together often, but our children are friends and she married a wonderful man who was also a friend of mine. Kari is just a good person - you know those you meet and just know they are good? Even though she's going through all of this, in a recent Facebook post she wrote "Knowing God is in control gives me peace". I know how much I love Kari, so you can only imagine the love her family and friends have for her. She comes from a close family, and I know her sister is suffering right there with her. Please pray (hard) that Kari receives her heart! Her kids need her, her husband needs her, her family needs her, and her friends want her to be around for another 40 years! I appreciate your prayers for this dear family!!!
Now, Kari and I have been known each other almost our whole lives. We don't get together often, but our children are friends and she married a wonderful man who was also a friend of mine. Kari is just a good person - you know those you meet and just know they are good? Even though she's going through all of this, in a recent Facebook post she wrote "Knowing God is in control gives me peace". I know how much I love Kari, so you can only imagine the love her family and friends have for her. She comes from a close family, and I know her sister is suffering right there with her. Please pray (hard) that Kari receives her heart! Her kids need her, her husband needs her, her family needs her, and her friends want her to be around for another 40 years! I appreciate your prayers for this dear family!!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
are not my favorite day of the week! However, I am really excited about everything that's coming up in the weeks and months ahead! We get to enjoy Meg & Em for a couple of weeks, then school will be getting back into the swing. This year I get to watch my boy play basketball for real! Morgan will be trying her hand at golf - should be fun. I am ready for a routine and the new products from Willow House! Holiday decorating will be fun at my home this year :)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Endless possibilities...
Last night I listened in on two calls with the Willow House team - one from my upline director, one with the company CEO. The new concepts this company is bringing to direct sales and the unlimited possibilities are very, very exciting! I am still attending college online, and the business classes I have taken have really showed me this is so so doable as an at home business.
I can't wait until next month, when the fun begins! Double Host credits and beautiful New Inspiration Guides (formerly known as catalogs!). It will be so much fun!
I can't wait until next month, when the fun begins! Double Host credits and beautiful New Inspiration Guides (formerly known as catalogs!). It will be so much fun!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Well, summertime is here and it's HOT in east Texas!
Meggan, Emalyn and Iceman are here with us while Jacob prepares for their move to a new post in Georgia. They also have a new family member, Layla.
Morgan just returned from a trip with Nonnie to see family from Georgia to NC. They flew over and she got to do some great shopping!
Caleb has finished baseballs (Congrats, All-Star!) and is chilling before school starts.
Hubby and I are just working, and I'm still going to school online. Won't be long before I have that degree!
Willow House will premier on August 1!!! I am very excited about the new products and the new direction of this company. After my call today I will know more, and will share, but let's just say it is a wonderful opportunity and I intend to make the most of it! Hopefully you can too.
Until then, try to stay cool!
Meggan, Emalyn and Iceman are here with us while Jacob prepares for their move to a new post in Georgia. They also have a new family member, Layla.
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Iceman and his new sister Layla napping! |
Caleb has finished baseballs (Congrats, All-Star!) and is chilling before school starts.
Hubby and I are just working, and I'm still going to school online. Won't be long before I have that degree!
Willow House will premier on August 1!!! I am very excited about the new products and the new direction of this company. After my call today I will know more, and will share, but let's just say it is a wonderful opportunity and I intend to make the most of it! Hopefully you can too.
Until then, try to stay cool!
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