Wednesday, October 24, 2018

FALL update

So just a quick update.  I haven't posted since July!  But we do stay busy with work and family stuff.  Y'all know how much I LOVE summer and I hate to see it end :(   But this fall hasn't been too bad.  Just really really rainy and only cooling off in the last couple of weeks.  This time last year I had taken a fun trip to California and then a trip to Minnesota in October.  Autumn there is amazing!  This is a pic I took of leaves on the ground.  Beautiful colors!

Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature

Wade is still waiting for approval to have surgery in Houston on his shoulder - the surgery in March wasn't done correctly it appears.  His bicep tendon hasn't healed properly and they didn't even fix his tricep tendon.  So hopefully that is going to happen soon and get him some relief and let the healing begin.  I know he is ready to get back to a semi-normal life.

In August we got to take a trip to New Mexico for my BFF's son's wedding.  It was a FUN trip.  It's gorgeous out there - in the mountains north of Santa Fe.  It was a sweet, pretty ceremony and we had some great girl time (we flew out together a few days before the hubbies drove out).  

Wade and I are basically empty nesters now!  Caleb got a travel trailer and took it out west for work.  He and Taelor took their doggos Cooper and Deuce.  It's just me and Wade and Nova left at home.  It's a new, very different season but I'm ready for the adventure.  The kids are doing well - the grandkids are growing like crazy and Morgan is getting healthier every day and doing well in college.

We lost both our furry cat children in the last couple of months.  Sully passed at the end of August and Tiger just two weeks after. 
They were 17 years old and I honestly can barely remember a time without them.  It was a very sad time.  Lots of changes lately.

I am looking forward to fall and the holidays - time spent with family and friends.  Here's hoping for a great end to 2018 and a WAAAAAAY better 2019!!!