Thursday, December 6, 2018

December update

Once again, it's been a busy time!

Wade and I celebrated 26 years of marriage the day before Thanksgiving, then on Thanksgiving Day had lunch with Morgan, my mom, my sister and my nephew.  The other kids were all working or out of town.  It was a nice weekend.  We got all of our Christmas decorations up and done!

Wade will be having surgery tomorrow to repair a torn tricep tendon on his elbow.  We've been trying to get this done for a year now!  I'll be glad to have it done.  Once that heals he will have another shoulder repair, then hopefully be good as new and ready to get back to work.  He has a big birthday coming up in 2 weeks so I hope he feels good enough for the surprise party we are planning!

Christmas will be different this year - Meg and the kids will travel to be with Jacob working out of state, and Caleb will be working.  So it will just be us and Morgan and whatever family gets together.  Hopefully everyone will have a safe, fun holiday season!  I'm looking forward to a couple of days off and some relaxation time.

Merry Christmas and Happy HollyDays!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

FALL update

So just a quick update.  I haven't posted since July!  But we do stay busy with work and family stuff.  Y'all know how much I LOVE summer and I hate to see it end :(   But this fall hasn't been too bad.  Just really really rainy and only cooling off in the last couple of weeks.  This time last year I had taken a fun trip to California and then a trip to Minnesota in October.  Autumn there is amazing!  This is a pic I took of leaves on the ground.  Beautiful colors!

Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature

Wade is still waiting for approval to have surgery in Houston on his shoulder - the surgery in March wasn't done correctly it appears.  His bicep tendon hasn't healed properly and they didn't even fix his tricep tendon.  So hopefully that is going to happen soon and get him some relief and let the healing begin.  I know he is ready to get back to a semi-normal life.

In August we got to take a trip to New Mexico for my BFF's son's wedding.  It was a FUN trip.  It's gorgeous out there - in the mountains north of Santa Fe.  It was a sweet, pretty ceremony and we had some great girl time (we flew out together a few days before the hubbies drove out).  

Wade and I are basically empty nesters now!  Caleb got a travel trailer and took it out west for work.  He and Taelor took their doggos Cooper and Deuce.  It's just me and Wade and Nova left at home.  It's a new, very different season but I'm ready for the adventure.  The kids are doing well - the grandkids are growing like crazy and Morgan is getting healthier every day and doing well in college.

We lost both our furry cat children in the last couple of months.  Sully passed at the end of August and Tiger just two weeks after. 
They were 17 years old and I honestly can barely remember a time without them.  It was a very sad time.  Lots of changes lately.

I am looking forward to fall and the holidays - time spent with family and friends.  Here's hoping for a great end to 2018 and a WAAAAAAY better 2019!!!  

Monday, July 16, 2018

Memories of Nene

Last week was a sad one - the passing of my dad's oldest living sibling and his only living sister.  My aunt, Marlene Meadows Archer, was one of a kind.  Her grandkids called her Nene - probably because they couldn't pronounce Marlene.   She was the family historian.  The one who remembered everything - right up to the end.  She was 85 years old and even though her body was rebelling her mind (she called it her "members") never left her.

My granny passed away when I was only 9 1/2 years old.  I remember that night clearly because it was the first time I ever remember hearing my quiet, sweet daddy holler or cry.  When the call came he cried out loudly, and I didn't know why but I knew it wasn't good.  He loved his mama!  I remember that Aunt Marlene tried to take her place best she could to keep all the family together.  Her home became the new gathering spot.  She loved her brothers oh so much, and she loved all her nieces and nephews too.  She remembered our birthdays, our spouses' names, our kids' names - all of it.  She lived just across the river in Texas until she and her husband retired to Toledo Bend.  We would visit there too, right on the lake.  When he passed away she moved back to the home place in Louisiana.  She had a gorgeous yard with old plantings that I never was brave enough to dig up (I do NOT have a green thumb!) 

My grandparents had 6 children, but their oldest girl (my namesake, Mae Imogene) died before she turned 3.  In fact, my Granny would have been pregnant with Aunt Marlene when she passed.  I can't imagine.  After Aunt Marlene, my Uncle Kent, then my Daddy, then my Uncle Curtis were all born within 5 years of each other.  Uncle Sam was the youngest; born seven years after my Dad.  My daddy was the first sibling who lived to adulthood to pass away, in 2006.  After the funeral in Lufkin Aunt Marlene's son John did the escort to Louisiana and conducted a service there for the family who wasn't able to make the trip to East Texas.   Once the burial was over, we all gathered yet again at Aunt Marlene's home.  She told stories as only she could, and even though we were heartbroken we laughed and laughed at the tales she told of our Daddy, uncles, cousins and their friends when they were young.  Many of those stories we had heard, but some we hadn't.  She had a warm, often loud voice, and had that Louisiana accent we didn't get here in East Texas.  

Last year I took my mom over to visit Daddy's gravesite and we went to see Aunt Marlene in the nursing home where she had gone to stay a few years before.  She wasn't doing well physically but she was the same Aunt Marlene!  Telling stories and laughing, even though she was in pain and having a hard time breathing well.  I wish we had gone more.  I wish I had recorded her telling those stories.  Even though two of my uncles are left with us, her passing was like losing a link to my Daddy no one else had.  

I will miss you Nene !

Monday, July 9, 2018

KETO update

I just wanted to do a little health/Keto update.  Wade was having some really high blood sugar readings earlier in the spring, so we decided to do something.  I had been researching Keto and following a local FB group to get as much info as I could for a few months and I felt like that was the best way to go initially.  We decided to start the day after Easter.  We took out all sugar and as many carbs as possible - we try to eat 25 g or less (20 for me) each day. 

Right away we both noticed no heartburn and less bloating.  Within two weeks Wade had cut out his injectable insulin and was only taking half of his Metformin dosage.  Within a month he wasn't taking any Metformin at all.  He still monitors his blood sugar readings daily and all is normal.

As of today, Wade is down at least 32 pounds (probably more, but we didn't weigh on the same scales from the beginning).  I didn't weigh before we started, so my first weigh in was two weeks after we started.  I'm down 24 pounds!  Wade hasn't been able to work out yet due to his shoulder surgery and the elbow surgery he will be having soon, but about 3 weeks ago I started trying to go at least 2 days a week.  Sometimes I get in 4 days, and I will work on making that more regular in the days to come.  This summer has been kind of crazy so we are readjusting our routines.

We have gotten tons of info from our local FB group, Keto AF (And Fasting) and a youtube channel/website called Keto Connect.  Lots of recipes, great support, and lots of helpful information.  I don't know that we could have gotten started without all of that.  I was overwhelmed and confused in the beginning, but now I realize it isn't really that hard LOL.  

We approached this as a total lifestyle change in our way of eating, so we plan on staying on this until we reach our goal weights and then maintain.  

Here's to healthier days ahead!!!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Eat Cake. Be Brave

Eat Cake. Be Brave - that's a new book that I was selected to prescreen and talk about.  The author, Melissa Radke, is from my hometown and she is REALLY funny!  I mean, I've actually seen her in real life you know?  Her kids go to school with my grands and she does these funny Facebook videos - she's hilarious and she's REAL. 

So when I saw she was writing a book and looking for people to read and hype it up, didn't take me long to sign up!  I finally got to sit down and start reading it last night and I could. not. put. it. down!  I finally did - because I had to get up and go back to work today...but it was really that good.  Of course it's cool that I know some of the places and people she references, but more than that it was the real and raw emotion she talks about.  Yes it's hilarious, like her, but she puts herself out there and opens up with real things that happened in her life, and many of them are not funny at all. 

I'll finish it up tonight - but I promise if you read this book you will see yourself in there.  You will empathize and hate the mean girls and realize we all go through the same stuff.  It's also a wake up call to BE BRAVE.  That is hard for me - but by this book I am inspired!

Go check out her Facebook page @MelissaRadkeStretchMarks.  Watch her videos.  Pre-order your copy.  and BE BRAVE!

#EatCakeBeBrave #ecbb #melissaradke

Friday, May 25, 2018

New Beginnings

Today, Adrian graduated from Kindergarten.  It took me back to when Emalyn graduated, and their Mama graduated from Kindergarten.  All those sweet little faces, with such a bright future ahead of them.  So much promise.  

It also reminded me that it's never too late to start again.  We've all had some pretty big struggles these last few years.  Family issues, family separation, change, medical's been a rough few years.  About 6 weeks ago Wade had a blood sugar reading of 400 - it really scared him and woke us up!  We started keto and so far we are doing great.  Our goal is 1 year and then maintaining this way of eating for years.  He's already down 21 pounds!!!  My loss is slower but it just feels so GOOD to get a new beginning and feel some hope for positive change.  

So no matter where you are today - if things aren't going your way - make a change.  Start over.  It's never too late.  Get some hope and use your promise - just my inspirational thought for the day!!!

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Thursday, May 17, 2018


I know - I haven't posted in forever!  Between work, kids, family  -  blogging is low on my list.  We've had a lot going on.  Trying to get healthy, keto dieting, work, surgeries....I'll get us all caught up this week!  Stay tuned....