I've never blogged before so here goes. Even with Facebook and all the great sites out there, it's hard to keep up with family these days. I've created this for all of our family and friends who want to keep in touch!
It's only Feb. 3 and it's been a crazy year so far!
Our family started the year in North Carolina with Meg & Jacob - hoping Emalyn would arrive while we were there, but she did not :( We got to stop over in Atlanta on our way back to Texas and visit with Aunt Jama, Tilly and KitKat - that was a lot of fun! Since then it's been back to the routine - work and shuttling the kids to various activities.
Wade is working at Temple - North Boggy Slough. It's the perfect job for him!
I'm doing accounts at Lufkin Electric, and still a Southern Living at HOME consultant. LE is a good job that pays the bills, but SLAH is what I LOVE to do!!
Morgan just celebrated her 15th birthday on Jan. 28. We had a family dinner at Olive Garden. She is a freshman and playing softball for the Hudson High School Lady Hornets. Season kicks off with scrimmages this week. She loves it and has been working hard to get ready for the season.
Caleb is a 5th grader at Hudson Middle School. He's making straight A's and playing Little Dribbler's Basketball. His team, the Blue Devils, are 4-2 so far and doing great!
Meggan and Jacob welcomed Emalyn Rae Gonzalez into the world on January 7 at 4:18 in the morning! She weighed 9 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long. They are currently stationed at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina.

Meggan and Emalyn are visiting with us for a couple of weeks, as Jacob is doing field training, preparing to deploy to the Middle East in the Spring. We are all having so much fun with the baby! They arrived on Morgan's birthday, and surprised Morgan when she walked in the door!
That should bring you up to date for now! I'll post more later...
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