Friday afternoon I ran out of work a little early for Morgan's ballgame in Zavalla. She is the catcher, did a great job! and scored a run in the game. Then we grabbed pizza and stayed in the rest of the night.
Saturday Caleb had a ballgame - he hit 3-pointer! Congrats Blue Devils! We are in 2nd place!
His friend Colton came home with him and they headed to Academy with Wade, then to Colton's house for the night. The girls and I hit Hobby Lobby & Old Navy - WOOHOO!!! I scored the CUTEST little bird for $2 at HL, and we picked up some cute ladybug stuff for Emalyn's room.
Then we had to go home, unload groceries with Nonnie, and take a nap!
Then Morgan went to a movie with Kayla and Meggan and I got our Target fix!!
Today I again was a heathen (I promise, I do go to church, and I believe it is vitally important!). I have had a really hard time since the first of the year. We were in NC, then I went back, then while the girls have been here every spare moment is spent with them, and that seems to be the only day I have to get caught up on housework and laundry. So today in my inbox was a message from my Daily Bread that I get. It said "What's Important to YOU?" OKAY I get the message. Priorities are being rearranged.
The girls did go with Nonnie, and Boyd went along with them. This afternoon was all laundry, lunch and helping Meg get all of her and Emalyn's stuff together :(. Throw in a couple of feedings and a nap, and that was our day! (Well I did wash my car - which I'm sure all the people in Hudson will appreciate after watching dirt accumulate for the past 3 months.)
Caleb & Colton went out to the ball field and started hitting and fielding with Colton's parents. From one sport right into another... It's already time for baseball signups - can you believe it?
This evening Robin & Boyd came back over to spend a couple of hours with Meggan & Emalyn. Robin took this "Four Generations" picture for us. Our fifth generation, my Grannie, is in Tennessee. Hopefully we'll get that "5 Generations" picture before long! But this is Nonnie, Meme, Mommy and Emalyn. (you can tell we glammed up for this pic LOL NOT!)
Tomorrow I'm taking the girls to the airport, then will stop in Dallardsville on the way home for Morgan's ballgame. GO LADY HORNETS!
Now I'm headed to bed - tomorrow will be a long day!
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