Monday, March 30, 2009
Weekend Update...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Crazy week...
See my new button - this little baby and his family need your prayers!
Here at home, we are so thankful that our friend Megan is doing better. She had an accident on Monday, and if you don't believe God watches over us...let me just tell you...HE DOES!!! There were so many ways it could've ended badly, but in the end, His hand was watching over her & her kiddos. SO PRAISE for that!!! Wade saw it happen, and was able to be right there to help her - thank God for that as well. It was a blessing to him to be able to help. Everyone is doing better, and hopefully all will be back to normal for them in no time.
The rest of the week has just been busy, busy...ballgames, practices, thunderstorms, errands... you name it!
Morgan is on JV now for the Hudson Lady Hornets, but I suspect our game tonight will be cancelled due to the weather.
Well, I just have to face it...Michael Sarver is going home. I'm so sad for him. I have to agree that his song choices the last two weeks were not the best for him, but there are MUCH WORSE performers this season. I voted for you, Michael!!!! I'm sure his family will be glad to have him home, and since he got into the TOP 10 he gets to do the tour!! So CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL! I know he'll have a recording contract soon anyway, and I for one am looking forward to it. I may even head over to Jasper one weekend to hear him sing LOL!!!
I spent an hour in the AT&T store last night agonizing over which phone to get (I want an IPHONE BADLY but can't bring myself to drop $199 on it!). Not to mention, trying to choose for the kids as well. Finally, FINALLY, made up our minds, only for him to check and find out THEY DON'T HAVE ANY OF THE PHONES WE PICKED!!! AAAAAGGGHHHH!! I get so frustrated anyway dealing with them. They messed up our plan last year, and started our contracts over without giving us the upgrade option. We finally got it all straightened out, but due to the messup, we can't upgrade online, where there are more options available at better prices. SO I'm not very happy with them right now.

On the home front, it appears that our quest to purchase Nonnie's house is moving ahead. PRAY FOR US as we work through all the paperwork to get this deal closed. It will be very nice to have our own home! I'll tell you more about that later...plus I'll have to post up some pics.
Meggan & Jacob are doing well - Emalyn is feeling MUCH better. Meggan not so much, but she found out yesterday her ear infection is in the outer ear, so was not being treated correctly. She's got antibiotic ear drops now, and all will be well in a few days hopefully. They are enjoying Jacob being home for a little while. Keep our military in your prayers people - Afghanistan and Iraq are not fun places to be these days!! They will be here in a couple of weeks when Jacob gets time off for pre-deployment leave - I CAN'T WAIT!!! Meggan said Emalyn's new thing is she has to have a blanket by her, and covers her face with it to fall asleep. She's so cute!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Trip to Houston...
Saturday we got up and lazed around for awhile, then headed over to IKEA (after stopping at Sonic for morning caffeine). I LOVE the IKEA catalog, but had never been in the store before. OH MY GOODNESS! It was crazy! A little bit overwhelming, actually. But the room setups are great, and I figured out I can buy a lot of the furnishings we need there for cheap! They have a great pattern, in lime greens with just a touch of red - called Blad multicolor. If it's not too weird for hubby, I'll probably use it as an inspiration for my living room. Wicker chairs are only $50! The hammock is so cute and only $60 - it's my new favorite place!
Then we headed to Cheesecake Factory in the Galleria, and had a wonderful chicken salad sandwich and creamy chicken soup that was awesome, finished off with a chocolate mousse cheesecake. OH MY - the three of us split it, and a couple of bites was more than enough. While we were there, Morgan & I cruised through Saks - boy, if I won the lottery, I could do some shopping!
Then we headed down Westheimer to my ALL TIME FAVE PLACE - POTTERY BARN! Can you tell I was excited? I actually have a gift card still to use there, but they didn't have the quilt I wanted in the size I needed. No big deal - it was just cool to be in my fave store and check out all the new stuff. Restoration Hardware and Williams Sonoma were all right there - it was almost more than I could handle LOL!! My small town self is showing through about right now! But I got some great ideas for the house. Once we get it all bought and done I'll start making decisions - I have a hard time because I love so many different things. I have to settle down and pick one and go from there.
When we got back to Pearland, we all stopped and had pedicures. It felt SOOOO good - I really was overdue! Then on the way to Marion's we stopped at Blockbuster and picked up Twilight and The Secret Life of Bees. We watched movies and ate take out Chinese - I LOVE me some General Tso chicken!!
Sunday we got up and watched Joel Osteen for church. He is SO good - everything he said was SPOT ON talking to me that morning! Made me think...God is really so, so good. When things aren't going so good, you can be guaranteed He is allowing you to be tested, just to prove to you that He'll never leave you! OR that we are being disobedient in some way. Much to think about!
We watched a movie called the Changeling before we left - that was disturbing! I've got to research and see if this was based on true happenings - I hope not!! But Angelina Jolie is a great actress, I have to admit.
Then we headed home. I'm always happy to be home, but it's always a letdown to go back to "normal" life! Wade had started our laundry, though, and fixed some dinner for us. We had to do a quick run for some basic groceries, then everyone went to bed early to get ready for the first day back after Spring Break!
Jacob got to come home on Saturday, so Meggan was doing better. She has an ear infection now on top of everything else, but Emalyn is better, and Jacob is there to help! Thank Goodness! Here's the picture of the day!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Randomness yet again...
I DO think the wrong person went home...hopefully next week will be MUCH better!
Off to Houston for the weekend, the boys will be camping, and Nonnie will be thankful for much needed peace and quiet!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Random thoughts

You can't tell she's been driving Meg crazy crying for 3 days, can you? LOL Do I remember those days! Hopefully they are on the mend. Jacob is still out in the field, so Meggan is doing it alone. Her friends have been helping as much as they can, though - I'm thankful she has good friends there. (Lindsey, Gayla, Karla, Brittaney!)
I missed American Idol last night, so I'll have to catch up on the DVR tomorrow - DON'T TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED YET!!!!! I'll check in later...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Weekend Update...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obviously my first birthday...again, how cute am I?Here I am (not sure the age) again looking adorable! (is there a theme to this?)
Here I am with my Daddy and my sister - must be my 7th birthday. What is up with the pink rat by my cake?????
And...last but not least...my favorite picture of Emalyn from today...how sweet is this child???? I love her SO MUCH!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Weekend Update...
Then we were off to the 2nd round of Caleb's All-Star Tournament. The other team had to forfeit, as they did not have enough players show up, so it was all good, but then we all decided to let them play since we were there. All I can say is, it's a good thing we already had the win, because they stomped us! Come to find out, we were up against a select team that practices together pretty much year round, while our little 9 and 10-year old boys had maybe 4 practices together as a team. Oh well - now we know what to expect if we play them again! Next game is Wednesday night.
Sunday was pretty much church and getting the house ready for another crazy week. It was a nice day, and I LOVE getting the extra daylight, but I sure hate losing that hour of sleep! Of course, we forgot to change our clocks on Saturday night, but we still got up and made it to church!
Yesterday was back to school as normal. Morgan had a checkup from her pneumonia a couple of weeks ago, and all is clear. The pollen is out though - every car in town is YELLOW from the stuff - so Dr. put her on Singulair until allergy season is over.
Last night the Lady Hornets Sophomore team hosted Huntington's Soph team. We won 3-2! It was a good game. Morgan didn't get a hit, but she had a great catch at 1st. Next play is this weekend at the Nacogdoches Tournament.
Nonnie comes home today, so I'm hoping things will soon feel "normal" again. I guess they really won't be...it's really weird when you lose a grandparent who's always been there. I don't think it's really sunk in for me yet. I was pretty close to my Grannie all these years, and I haven't really wrapped my head around her not being around any longer. I know it's harder on my Mom & her siblings - they have now lost both parents. I can't imagine...and don't want to! I know God will carry us all through, but it is hard at times.

I'll let you know how the games go...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Last night...
On to family news...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Later in the week...
Caleb made the Hudson All-Star basketball team for 9-10 year olds. They are getting ready for the first game of the All-Star Tournament tonight! It's been fun - he really loves basketball. Baseball will be getting started soon, so we're ready for that too!
Morgan's slowly getting over a slight case of pneumonia. They had no ball games this week, but Monday should be a good one against Huntington. She went to Bull Bash last weekend and saw
Luke Bryan in concert - she said he was really good!
Both kids took Reading TAKS on Monday and they both said it went well - we'll see when the scores come out!
Meggan, Jacob & Emalyn got some snow in North Carolina. Meg is getting over strep throat. Yesterday, Jacob left again for training for most of March, getting ready to deploy this spring. There was a bus accident today as they were carrying more 22nd MEU guys to Virginia, so keep them in your prayers. It appears no one was seriously hurt, but that's a scary thing all the same.
Meggan sent me quite a few pictures this week - this is one of my favorites!!!

We are missing Nonnie too - and ready for her to come home next week. We'll let you know how the Tournament comes out!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Weekend Update...
First of all, Caleb was assigned to DAEP (Alternative School) last Friday, to begin on Monday, so that had him pretty worried, which in turn worried us. Do you know what it's like to have a 10-year old who is worrying like that?
Then we were at a softball tournament ALL weekend long, so nothing got done around the house. The softball was fun though!
Worst of all, Nonnie headed to Atlanta on Saturday and then she & her sis were going to check on their mom, my Grannie, but got the call that they needed to come "Now!" on Sunday. Lucky for Mom she was that far along in her trip. They hurried up to Tennessee, where their 2 brothers met them.
My Grannie (Berniece Lois Duggan Acuff) never regained consciousness after becoming "unresponsive" that weekend. She passed away early in the morning on Tuesday, February 24. She was 83 years old. The obit and the memorial were really neat - some great pictures of my Grannie, who was a beautiful woman!
But none of that tells what she really was... a poet and an artist, a world-class baker, a woman who reveled in making a beautiful home and taking care of her family. My grandparents always made visiting us "grands" a priority, and we saw them 2 or 3 times a year. When we were little kids, Grannie would record herself reading books to us and mail them so we'd hear her voice. I remember her filing my fingernails as we drove over the Mississippi Bridge because she knew I hated being up so high. We'd go pick peaches and strawberries in the summer, and Grandpa would make the world's best strawberry jam to go on my Grannie's homemade bread.
They were so excited to be Great-Grandparents (Nannie & Bawpaw), and we took our kids many years to their home and visited our family's heritage up in the Smoky Mountains. Grandpa was a member of the Acuff family - and loved to "pick" and sing. Grannie's family had lived in the Smokies when she was a girl, and moved out when it became a national park. They loved to share family history, and Grandpa was ALWAYS taking pictures and showing "slide shows" with his famous popcorn.

So I'll write more later and post some pictures, but for now my heart is just too heavy.