Saturday we got up and lazed around for awhile, then headed over to IKEA (after stopping at Sonic for morning caffeine). I LOVE the IKEA catalog, but had never been in the store before. OH MY GOODNESS! It was crazy! A little bit overwhelming, actually. But the room setups are great, and I figured out I can buy a lot of the furnishings we need there for cheap! They have a great pattern, in lime greens with just a touch of red - called Blad multicolor. If it's not too weird for hubby, I'll probably use it as an inspiration for my living room. Wicker chairs are only $50! The hammock is so cute and only $60 - it's my new favorite place!
Then we headed to Cheesecake Factory in the Galleria, and had a wonderful chicken salad sandwich and creamy chicken soup that was awesome, finished off with a chocolate mousse cheesecake. OH MY - the three of us split it, and a couple of bites was more than enough. While we were there, Morgan & I cruised through Saks - boy, if I won the lottery, I could do some shopping!
Then we headed down Westheimer to my ALL TIME FAVE PLACE - POTTERY BARN! Can you tell I was excited? I actually have a gift card still to use there, but they didn't have the quilt I wanted in the size I needed. No big deal - it was just cool to be in my fave store and check out all the new stuff. Restoration Hardware and Williams Sonoma were all right there - it was almost more than I could handle LOL!! My small town self is showing through about right now! But I got some great ideas for the house. Once we get it all bought and done I'll start making decisions - I have a hard time because I love so many different things. I have to settle down and pick one and go from there.
When we got back to Pearland, we all stopped and had pedicures. It felt SOOOO good - I really was overdue! Then on the way to Marion's we stopped at Blockbuster and picked up Twilight and The Secret Life of Bees. We watched movies and ate take out Chinese - I LOVE me some General Tso chicken!!
Sunday we got up and watched Joel Osteen for church. He is SO good - everything he said was SPOT ON talking to me that morning! Made me think...God is really so, so good. When things aren't going so good, you can be guaranteed He is allowing you to be tested, just to prove to you that He'll never leave you! OR that we are being disobedient in some way. Much to think about!
We watched a movie called the Changeling before we left - that was disturbing! I've got to research and see if this was based on true happenings - I hope not!! But Angelina Jolie is a great actress, I have to admit.
Then we headed home. I'm always happy to be home, but it's always a letdown to go back to "normal" life! Wade had started our laundry, though, and fixed some dinner for us. We had to do a quick run for some basic groceries, then everyone went to bed early to get ready for the first day back after Spring Break!
Jacob got to come home on Saturday, so Meggan was doing better. She has an ear infection now on top of everything else, but Emalyn is better, and Jacob is there to help! Thank Goodness! Here's the picture of the day!

1 comment:
Hi Holly,
I used to live in Houston and we have some really good friends that live in Pearland. Isn't the Cheesecake Factory the BEST?!? I also know exactly where you went shopping on Westheimer. Can you believe it though I have never been into IKEA!!!! Actually I don't know if it was there when we lived there. We have been gone about 18 years now. My parents do still live in Houston and I think before we get them totally moved here I will HAVE to make a trip to IKEA!!!! Sounds like you had a GREAT time!
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