It was a busy weekend, but we got a lot accomplished! Morgan's ballgame was rained out Friday night, so it was nice to have a relaxing night in. We had homemade tacos for dinner (yum) and all went to bed early!
Up Saturday to get my hair did...I'll post a pic later...but I LOVE LOVE LOVE my hair! Thank you, Leah! It's a great job, as usual. Caleb had a scrimmage game, so Wade took him to that. He pitched a few, and got a couple of hits! It was good practice.
Then we were off to view some houses with Nonnie, and run errands. STILL couldn't get our phones at the AT&T store, but everyone was very nice there. It was a beautiful day - windy and cold - but beautiful blue skies. Gotta love it!
Morgan was off with a friend to go bowling and spend the night, so Wade and I headed back to Lowe's for the evening - pricing some things we'll need on the "honey-do" list for the house. Picked up a few groceries and headed home to hang out and watch TV.
Red Envelope Day!
I have done some volunteer work for a local non-profit here called the Pregnancy H.E.L.P. Center - my wonderful friend, Paula, is the director. Helping people know about and get the facts about abortion and the alternatives available is very close to my heart. Babies are SO wonderful - and we all know God created us every one. Even babies who don't make it to "birth" are still a creation of our all-knowing and loving God. So to see young (or older) women struggle with that decision is heartbreaking - and knowing what they will go through if they choose the wrong option - is even MORE heart-wrenching. Almost anyone who knows me knows that is a choice I had to make at 19 - and thank GOD I chose to give life. I knew it was the right thing to do then, but now that my Meggan is 19, and has a baby of her own - I can't imagine life without them.
I am so thankful that there are organizations out there and people like Paula who have a true passion and calling to get this information and help out there - in a loving way, to women who are in crisis or hurting, and who need the help.
I had never heard of "Red Envelope Day" - but I saw this over on Shannon's blog at Bless Our Nest (one of many wonderful blogs I follow)... check out this link that tells about it - get your own red envelope, and join in the day to bring awareness - that these are pre-born people who have no voice without us:
Sunday we went to church at CrossRoads, then out to lunch with Grandpa & Pat. Then it was home to work in the yard - it looks GREAT, if I do say so! The flowers are blooming, spring is definitely almost here. I will even have pics soon...
Meggan & Jacob are excited about coming to Texas. We are NOT excited about Jacob having to leave, but I'm glad they are coming. Emalyn is getting so big!!!! They will be here while the Angelina County Rodeo is going on, and for Jacob's birthday. Hopefully we'll have more visitors, as Nonnie has a surgery coming up.
Here's the pic of the weekend:

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