It seems like it's been a long week (and it's only Thursday)...
Monday was Caleb's first day back over at HMS and he is doing great so far. He was glad to be back with his friends. The Red Sox had a ballgame, which we won 14-2, and Caleb had a great hit in the game, so it was all good. Nonnie got home from Austin. Wade wasn't feeling well again, and stayed home from work - that doesn't happen often, so I know he was sick!
The game was COLD and WINDY, but we had blankets and wrapped up. However, it probably didn't help Morgan's sinus/allergy stuff.
Tuesday was crazy! I had to take Morgan to the doctor so he could tell her what I knew- her allergies are acting up again. But she listens to him about her medicine, so hopefully she'll be better soon. Being out in the wind at practice/games, and this 32 degrees one day, 80 the next is killing us all! Then to work, then I picked Caleb up at school, where they had TAKS testing all day, and we headed to Rusk for Morgan's ballgame. JV won 1-0, but Varsity got beat 3-0. Oh well...what can you say? It wasn't quite as cold as we thought it would be, but I was prepared just in case!
Tuesday was also Emalyn Rae Gonzalez's 3 month birthday!!!!! I can't wait till she gets here!

Yesterday was a "normal" day, picked up Caleb and headed to baseball practice. Wade got Morgan and we all had an evening "in". Nonnie got in and we watched the AI Results show - no big surprise there!!! It was a beautiful, beautiful day - 80 degrees and sunny!
Today has been cloudy and kinda "blah" all day - it's cooler and windy, so I know the rain is coming. Caleb has a ballgame tonight. Morgan doesn't have to travel, as Jasper doesn't have a JV softball team.
Everyone else in our home gets to sleep in tomorrow, as it is Good Friday. I will be here, working away :).
Everyone else in our home gets to sleep in tomorrow, as it is Good Friday. I will be here, working away :).
Easter Weekend is such a wonderful time to reflect upon renewal and sacrifice. What Jesus did for us should not be taken lightly. In an age when so many people are not hearing the truth, we really should make more of an effort to live it (something I fail at miserably) so that when the end comes, there are no regrets, no "what-ifs". We will KNOW where we are headed! Thank you Jesus that you know we are ALL a work in progress! and Thank you Father for the gift of eternal life that you gave us through your Son.
Have a Blessed Easter everyone!!
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