It was a BUSY BUSY weekend, but much was accomplished! (This is my beautiful geranium up close)
Friday night was Lady Hornet vs. Huntington Lady Red Devils Softball - a record crowd at Hudson. The JV game was kinda sad (we got beat 9-0) since Morgan didn't get to play. Then the Varsity game was pretty much a nailbiter. I worked concessions through most of it, but by the end of the 9th they shut it down, and the game went into 10 innings tied 0-0. Top of the 10th, Huntington scored 3. THREE! OMG - and then we were up and just couldn't hit. Oh well...I hated to see it end that way. It was a late night!
Then home, to try and get some rest! Caleb, Wade & Nonnie were there with pizza for our late dinner.
Then home, to try and get some rest! Caleb, Wade & Nonnie were there with pizza for our late dinner.
Saturday morning we were up early (OK I consider 7 am early on a weekend morning!) Morgan had a hair appt with Leah (going back to blonde!) and Wade & I were headed to Lowe's for stuff for the house. Morgan got her hair done - it's beautiful! - and a quick run into Target and... Three hours later...
back home and getting ready for Caleb's first "real" ballgame.
Thursday night they had a scrimmage against a Diboll team, but this was Opening Day for Hudson Diamond Sports. At the scrimmage, Caleb hit one TO the fence...almost over. I was holding my breath there for a minute!!! So this game was 3-2 final score (yes, we lost :() but it was a good game. Caleb had a walk and a hit, so it was ok. There were some glitches in the game (ump called 3 outs one inning when there were only 2 outs, bad calls both ways...)
We went down and watched some of the other kids playing on other fields - there were people EVERYWHERE for opening day. It was pretty windy, but a beautiful, beautiful day!
Then we headed home to start putting in our laundry room door. Okay, it's actually a storage room now, but it will be my laundry room when all is said and done. We got it all in by last night (well, WE technically is Wade) and it looks great!
We ended up making another trip to Home Depot & Lowe's for some new cabinet hardware for the kitchen, but I found just what I was looking for at HD~ and at a great price too!
Nonnie & I started scrubbing a couple of doors while we took off the old hardware, and before you knew it, we were hard at work. It's amazing what a difference it makes - a good cleaning and the new hardware looks pretty good! There's a lot of cosmetic stuff I'd like to change, but for now it'll work. This is the new knob:

This is a new pull on the old cabinets that will have to stay for awhile. You see the countertops? That's the first thing I want to change!
New clematis that I got - the flowers are HUGE and gorgeous. Wade cut me some switchcane to make climbing poles for it.

Sunday morning we were off to church for Palm Sunday. This was our third visit to Crossroads, and I do like it. It's a smaller church, but very nice. There seem to be a lot of young people there as well.
After church we headed home to finish up the projects we had started. In the midst of laundry and cleaning, Caleb was mowing and Morgan was helping out, and a lawnmower blade got bent, so back to Lowe's. They know us on sight by now. Of course, they didn't have the blades I needed, but I got a few plants and some other stuff. Over to Target (of course) for some cleaning products, and back home to finish up.
One of my "annuals" I planted last year that showed back up this year - Strawberry Parfait dianthus. I love it!

Wade wasn't feeling well this weekend, even though he got the door done, by last night he was really feeling bad. Nonnie was headed to Austin yesterday, so she'll be back tonight. We got the laundry half done, and bedrooms organized for the week, so hopefully we are prepared for a busy one. I believe we have something scheduled every night this week!!! Friday there is no school, and it will be a welcome break!
Jacob, Meggan & Emalyn will be here around the 15th, and we can't wait. They had Family Day at Camp LeJeune Saturday, and Emalyn got her picture made with the Easter Bunny. She was screaming her head off! So here's one of her pictures from the weekend (with her friend, Peyton). They look like dolls!!!!

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