Last week was pretty normal, mostly just work and school. The Rodeo came to town, and the kids got to go on Thursday night for free (thanks Marilyn!). They had a ball! We kept Emalyn and she was really good. She went to bed early, so it wasn't too too hard!
I went to Urgent Doc Thursday and had my head examined (LOL). Mostly allergies and sinus stuff, but I got a shot and a Z-pack, so I was hoping to feel better soon.
Friday night Meggan, Jacob & Emalyn took Caleb for his game - the Red Sox lost but hey, you can't win 'em all!!! Caleb really wanted Jacob to see him play, so they got their wish. Emalyn LOVES baseball. Meme will make her an Astros fan yet!
I went to Carthage with 3 other moms to see the Hudson Lady Hornets play their last game of the 2008-2009 season. Our JV girls won 15-1 (I think) so it was great! Coach Eby had them rotate through the field after each batter since we were up so high. The girls were laughing and having a great time! Some of them played positions they haven't played since t-ball!!!
Afterward we ate at the Jalapeno Tree in Carthage. It was really good, and it was really late when we all got home! The girls were a little sad about the last game of the season, but there's always next year! I had a great time with Kim, Cindy and Paige!!
Saturday was sleep in (I still have this awful head cold/allergy stuff hanging on) then Nana and Garland came over. They had come in from Corsicana for the day. Nana, Janice, Morgan, Meggan, Emalyn and I all went to the Spring Market (Jr. League presents it) at the Civic Center. There were some great booths set up in there. We got to see Uncle Aleck, and ran into several friends we haven't seen in awhile. Nana did some shopping for the girls, and we checked out all the cute home decor and clothing available. There were some REALLY cute things!
The kids all went back to the rodeo Saturday night, and we babysat Emalyn. She went to sleep early on, but woke up and cried and cried and cried! Finally Gramps & I drove up and down the road with her, and she fell sound asleep! I think all the changes, formula changes (we put her on a Hypoallergenic Formula to help with all the spitting up) and moving around have her a little disconnected. When she's happy though, she is SO happy. However, Wade did point out to me that we were too old to have babies - believe me, I KNOW IT!
Sunday morning was Emalyn's dedication at church. This is her before we headed out, in her beautiful dress and bow.

Then we headed over to Cafe Del Rio for celebrate the dedication and, of course, Jacob turning 21 (today actually). Since he was technically only 20 until Monday, no margarita :( But lunch was great!
Wade, Jacob, Morgan and Caleb all then headed out to Boggy to do some target shooting. Morgan, Emalyn, Nonnie and I hung around the house to do some more packing.
We got quite a bit accomplished this weekend considering how much activity was going on!!!
I know one thing, there will be a HUGE yard sale going on at my house sometime in May. DETAILS COMING SOON!!!
Jacob is celebrating the big 21 today! He & Meg will go out tonight, since he flies to NC tomorrow. Wade is doing a fish fry this evening. It should be fun! Keep Jacob and Meggan in your prayers as they endure this 7 month deployment! I am always praying for the safety of our troops and for their families!
This week will be TAKS testing at school, so not many extracurricular activities. I promise to get pictures of Morgan and Caleb posted soon!
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