Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fall is here...

maybe? Finally?  We have had a few cool weather days, but then it warms right back up!  It's hard to believe Thanksgiving Day is one week away!!! 

Next week I will be headed out to see Meg, Jacob & Em!!!  Mom is driving, Morgan & I are going, and my sis & nephew.  I can not wait!!!!!  I do believe they are excited as well :)  Wade has to work, so Caleb is staying with him so they can hunt, of course.  My wonderful friend Jo-Anne will feed them Thanksgiving dinner, so I have no guilt.

Last weekend was the bomb!  I headed down to H-town to visit my BFF, and she had tickets to the Nutcracker Market!  It was so cool - it almost got me in the holiday spirit.  I got a few gifts purchased, and we had a great time, but we were exhausted at the end of the day.  I'm sure we missed a few booths.

Tonight I am headed over to the oldest town in Texas with another good friend for the Holiday in the Pines market Junior League puts on every year.  I'm excited about that as well!

Caleb played his first Jr. High basketball game on Monday night.  It was so cool to see my boy out there in a maroon & white uniform!  He did great!  I'm looking forward to this season.

Well, I'm off to do some work and hopefully get some Christmas shopping done tonight.
Have an awesome Thanksgiving!  and remember to be thankful for everything you have, and even some of the things you don't!