Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And so it goes...

My last post was a little sad, but I know Kari is dancing and singing in Heaven.  Please continue to pray for her family!

In our happenings, this was report card week!  Both of the kids had pretty decent grades, and of course "are very bright but do not apply themselves!"  I know this, and work daily on encouraging them to succeed beyond even their wildest dreams!

Morgan will make her acting debut tonight...should be great!  If we could only rid the real world of all the unnecessary drama!!! LOL
Caleb kicks off basketball season Nov. 15th - I am ready!!! 
Wade begins his long, long days of work today - the first hunt arrives.  I know he loves it, but he is SO tired sometimes!
Meg is working, Jacob is working, and Em has adjusted somewhat to daycare.  When she gets upset, they let her go into the baby room and help feed the babies.  How sweet is that?!?

I had a horrible migraine over the weekend.  It has been unseasonably warm here, and allergies kicked up, so I'm hoping that's what triggered it, but it was awful.  I missed Caleb's basketball tryouts for youth basketball!  I didn't even leave my house Saturday or Sunday.  You know that's bad!!!

We are kicking off something new - the Paleo diet.  We will probably modify it somewhat, at least for Caleb if he objects too much!  But I really like what I've been reading, and it totally makes sense.  Morgan & I are definitely looking to be healthier, and combined with exercise I hear it makes you feel GREAT!  Hubby could stand to lower his cholesterol too!

In WILLOW HOUSE news, the new online shopping feature is awesome!!!!!  We are offering monthly specials - like October BONUS DAYS! - and weekly specials in the Outlet.  These are great savings - and you can still get the CUSTOMER SPECIAL when you spend $39.96 or more!  The October Bonus days is offering 15 HOLIDAY items at 25% off - it's a great time to stock up for gifts or decorating items!!  You can even host your own party online and get the Host Rewards!

I am really looking forward to the coming weeks - hopefully going to Georgia for the Thanksgiving holiday, enjoying Christmas with the family, a little time off to relax...I'm ready for it!

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